AP 制动液 PRF 660

AP 制动液 PRF 660

日期: 2012-11-09 01:11 来源: os汽车性能升级商店 作者: 鑫磊-商行 浏览: 1595次
AP 制动液 PRF 660


PRF660 - Ultimate Racing Fluid

PRF660 has a dry boiling point of 320°C (608°F), 20°C higher than some other leading brands.

has advanced moisture resistance properties, low levels of viscosity (for ease of bleeding), low levels of compressibility and meets DOT4 specifications.

PRF660 is suitable for all top levels of motorsport where abnormal temperatures are experienced. It should be noted that before using PRF660 fluid, any existing brake fluid should be drained completely from the brake system.
The system should be thoroughly purged with new PRF660 and can be filled completely with new PRF660.

- PRF660

‘Typical’ Boiling Points.
- New Dry 325°C
- ‘Wet’ E.R. 204°C

Part Number.  
- CP4660-20 (Case of 20x500ml bottles)

AP 制动液 PRF 660


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